It is said that you are what you eat, yet many do not realize we are what we think. Yes, whatever folks are thinking propagates into "things". Ever wonder why doom and gloom seems to be part of some people's being sometimes? The internal conversation, our inner voice, is the thoughts which fertilize any situation; and then viola! Not only was it a thought, that specific train of internal conversation now becomes part of the subconscious program. In other words "stinkin' thinkin'" equals doom and gloom.
Travel with this idea a little further down the track. This will require a comparative discussion on negative vs. positive thinking. In today's chaotic world, we cannot help but encounter some negativity in our thinking. Who has not been affected by such things as the volatile political climate, the worldwide pandemic, the economic instability, and on and on? Even as we try to be positive, that person, place, thing or thought just seems to be an incoming missile traveling straight for our individual being. We ourselves are the biggest creator of our own negative thinking: SELF-TALK and self-imaging. As an example, let's take consideration of the following: sickness or disease. There are medical studies, too numerous to site in this space, which indicate that recovery from sickness and disease is much faster if we think we are getting better. Or, better still, if we see/imagine ourselves as currently better. In fact, if we maintain positive thinking and self-image, we are not so prone to get sick in the first place. Ergo, if we maintain a somewhat healthy life style and eliminate "stinkin' thinkin'", we're less likely to become ill or our recovery is destined to be much quicker. And this is but one area of a person's life whereby positive thoughts affect your quality of living. This does not mean you just have a positive attitude about the illness or disease, it additionally requires an overall positive self-thinking about every aspect of your life. And this is where the "river of a life" can get murky and muddy. As a hypnotist, I have encountered a plethora of clients who are surrounded by negative friends, negative family members, negative spouses, negative neighbors, negative co-workers, and/or negative people in general. These folks are not the only damning saboteurs either. Many times it is how we have been programmed to negatively see ourselves in our own minds eye. That's right, how we internally are talking to, or seeing ourselves. The constant, destructive chatter of things like "well aren't you an idiot" to "you can't do, or become or achieve that" destroys any chances anyone has of being happy. Many of us individually have been taught this poor self-image over a whole lifetime. Verbally abused by an unknowing, ignorant, or abusive parent or sibling as to how they are actually injuring the receiving party. If someone is told "You are ugly, or your weight is improper, or you don't know anything, or you can't do it the right way, or...", then guess what? Sadly, the mind begins to program the negative script of poor self-image and that feeling of inadequacy which now becomes what that individual sees as the self by their mind's eye, a misfit living in the "Land of Misfit Toys". This subconscious program of feeling lost or of not belonging or the feeling of being "not right", or seeing the self as a victim continues to grow causing an even stronger negative self-image. Because now the person begins internal negative self-chatter. Yup! You have heard me say before that we are the harshest to critique ourselves. This is mainly because nobody ever interrupted the self-image, self-ego program within. And being/playing the victim has secondary gains all within itself (but that is another article maybe in the future). Is it a hopeless cause? Is it not fixable? It can be, if you don't seek assistance. As a hypnotist, I know that any program written in the healthy subconscious mind can be reprogrammed. Hypnosis is the fastest, and possibly the safest, healing modality to ensure a stronger, positive self-image ego boost that anyone can encounter. A trained, certified hypnotist like me can usually improve any self talk, self-image situation in a matter of about two sessions (I suggest a minimum of 2 sessions as a means of anchoring that first session in a moderate to light case). The reason for more than two would be for those that may have some sort of contributing trauma related to their poor or low self-image. Here at Peaceful Light Healing & Hypnosis AT THE Lakes Region Hypnosis Center, I am experienced with building self-image, self-esteem, rewriting the program that others wrote (whether intentionally or unknowingly) for you. I do recommend live, in office consultations and sessions which result in quicker healing. However, I also use Zoom for sessions for clients who may be a little leery of in-office visits. These remote sessions are proving effective also, but sometimes require additional sessions. Call me for a free 20 minute consultation about your situation, and maybe discuss other concerns or behaviors you may want to eliminate or change. Don't you deserve a chance for change by allowing us Help You To Help Yourself. BREATHE - RELAX - HEAL
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Welcome to Lakes Region Hypnosis Center's information sharing blogAuthorRich Burke I would like to begin my blogging career (sounds funny for a 60-something to be saying) by just introducing myself and some of the services we provide. My goal is to introduce you all to me and the wonderful worlds of hypnosis and other alternative, less expensive (in the long run) healing modalities we provide and clearly work. My intention is to also educate the public through my blogging.
I am a 67 year old who refuses to retire. I have worn many hats in my many careers, one could say it took me a long time to discover what I wanted to be or do when I grew up. I will say it did take me a while though. I've been part of management team where I was responsible for a multi-million dollar communication budget in a large financial institution. I left the corporate world as a thirty something and became a healthcare worker in a county nursing home. This was a very rewarding vocation by the way, but the greedy corporate world began sticking their fingers in the proverbial pot and infesting that career with their greed and gluttony. But, that's a whole different blogging path for the politically inclined, and does not belong here. I finished my career as a political action coordinator for a national public employee union and was forced out to pasture. Yes folks, even the unions have their dark side. But, I've always wanted to help others along the way, a healer so to speak. Whether a human client or a pet client (Animal Reiki attuned), I have always been driven to open up my heart, mind and arms to those who need some assistance along the way. I began seeking a healing path for myself and something to provide comfort to others. I entered my chrysalis stage, my transition to the more spiritual path, that of a provider of proven alternative healing modalities. I became a Reiki Master/Teacher, actually being attuned through a local Reiki Master from Gilmanton and another from the West Coast. and still felt there there was more. I began various training along the way, as a physical medium, a crystal worker, and so on and so forth. I rounded out my resume at the Thomas Institute of Hypnosis and the National Guild of Hypnotists becoming a Certified Consulting Hypnotist. And this is the "Readers Digest" version of how I got to where I am now. Operating out of Tilton, New Hampshire, ergo the name Lakes Region Hypnosis Center; we also perform Reiki healing sessions under Peaceful Light Healing (or PLH). PLH was my first organization and is now a part of our Lakes Region Hypnosis Center operation. Effectively combining both powerful tools (Hypnosis & Reiki) and we have created a healing modality second to none and without OPIODS. Healing others is a love and passion for us. Continuous education in the art of hypnosis on a regular basis, as well as consuming mandatory reading material is part of our modus operandi and in our operations manual. We also teach healing techniques at various metaphysical facilities and institutions. Sharing information at community events and local libraries, schools, and other public and private venues is always on our agenda. So please, continue to watch this website for updated events. Maybe learn a thing or two about hypnosis, Reiki, or even a bit about physical mediumship. But, be sure to watch my blogs for upcoming information to help demystify hypnosis and bring it to the forefront of where it belongs. The subconscious mind is a powerful tool for healing; and remember this, "if you can think it, it CAN happen". And don't forget about the Reiki! Future posts will include myths and phobias of hypnotism, pain management, healthy living, stress and stressors, encountering negative suggestions and negative self talk, self hypnotism, emotional trauma, mind-body spirit, subconscious mind, daily affirmations and intentions, circumstance or predetermined, deja vu all over again, breathing techniques, Reiki, chakra centers, Past Life Regression "real or not" and many more topics on healing. So until the next post, Breath - Relax - Heal. Namasate P.S. Please let me know how I performed in my first blog post ever. Archives
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